Ariel SNaP-SHOT ™
A broad indication pharmacogenomic (PGx) test with easy-to-interpret provider report and patient card.
Advanced Genetics to Inform Medication Choices
Reduce drug interaction risk with a patient-specific PGx profile.
A person’s genetic variants can impact how they will respond to medications (pharmacogenomics, PGx). PGx data can help providers identify patients who are more likely to respond to a medication or a specific medication dose. It can also help patients and providers avoid adverse drug events that are associated with specific genetic variants.
Ariel SNaP-SHOT ™ is a clinical genetic test and interpretation service that incorporates pharmacogenomics data with FDA prescription drug labeling and evidence-based clinical practice guidelines from the Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium (CPIC). Our unique individualized approach provides informative and actionable pharmacogenomics data in an easy-to-interpret report.

Insights for More Informed Drug Management Decisions
Ariel SNaP-SHOT™ Pharmacogenomics is a DNA test that analyzes genetic variants from 27 genes related to drug metabolism (pharmacokinetics) and action (pharmacodynamics). Ariel SNaP-SHOT™ Pharmacogenomics is a clinical genetic test and interpretation service that uses patient DNA data along with information from FDA prescription drug labeling and evidence-based clinical practice guidelines from the Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium (CPIC). Our unique individualized approach provides informative and actionable data in an easy-to-interpret report and web-application.
Genes tested:
Features Includes:
Get an assessment of 27 gene results to understand how a patient’s genotype may affect drug metabolism and their response to specific therapeutic options.
A curated list of references used in variant analysis and classification, when applicable, for an observed genetic variant.
Detailed list of references that providers can consult for additional information about medicine gene interactions.
Descriptions of the genes included in the panel.
- Ariel SNaP-SHOT is a clinician-ordered test and cannot be purchased directly by patients.
- Ariel SNaP-SHOT is not available for all drugs and does not test for all known or future PGx associations.
Adjust therapeutic options to account for unique genetic variations.
Offer patients more personalized medication therapy.
Reduce trial and error and risk of adverse drug reactions.

How Is This Ordered?
Ariel SNaP-SHOT can be ordered by a provider. It is appropriate for anyone who is currently taking or will be taking a medication.

What Kind of Technology is Used?
Ariel SNaP-SHOT combines targeted variant analysis with patient-specific clinical data and information from FDA prescription drug labeling and evidence-based clinical practice guidelines.
How Ariel SNaP-SHOT Benefits Providers
Targeted Therapeutics
Genetic insight to better match the most appropriate medication and dosage to patients.
Actionable Reports
Curated clinical summary based on up-to-date literature and guidelines.

Reduced Trial and Error
In Prescribing
Prescribe therapies with more confidence and less guesswork.

Saves Valuable Time
Gain back time spent researching medications and risks.
How ArielDx Ariel SNaP-SHOT Benefits Patients
Personalized Care
Genetic insights to guide personalized care and medication plan.
Minimize Side-Effects
Minimize potentially dangerous drug side-effects contributed by genetics.
Save Money
Reduce costs of unnecessary and potentially ineffective medications.
Affordable Testing
at an affordable price.
Get Started With Ariel SNaP-SHOT
Ariel SNaP-SHOT Frequently Asked Questions
ArielDx Pharmacogenomics is a clinician-ordered test and can only be ordered as an add-on to a new or existing ArielDx Pancreatitis order.
To begin, login to our online portal or create an account to place the order.
Once the order is placed, your patient will receive an email from Ariel inviting them to register online, sign test consent forms, complete payment information, access help resources, and complete his or her health profile.
A buccal swab kit will be mailed to your patient’s home. The patient will be provided with detailed collection instructions and how to return his or her DNA sample by mail.
Upon receipt of the DNA sample, completion of genetic testing and subsequent expert review of the findings, your patient’s test results will be released electronically through the secure Ariel portal.
- Provide guidance before a new medication is prescribed.
- Patient history of poor drug response.
- Patient history of adverse drug reactions.
- Patient prescribed multiple medications.
- Family history of poor response to medications.
- PGx testing is not available for all drugs.
- Ariel SNaP-SHOT does not test for all known or future PGx associations.
- Current medications should not be changed based on PGx results without consulting with the prescriber.
Ariel offers a direct patient-pay price of $250 (per test) .
Patients that select the direct pay option will pay the full $250 upfront. Ariel accepts checks and all major credit cards. Payments can be made through the Ariel Patient Portal, by phone at 844-692-7435 or by mail.
Checks should be made payable to: Ariel Precision Medicine
Mailing Address:
Ariel Precision Medicine
Attn: Accounts Receivable
5750 Centre Ave, Suite 270
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
Data and samples provided as part of the ArielDx product line are not eligible for use with SNaP-SHOT. All SNaP-SHOT orders will require a new DNA sample.
Please tell your patient to expect an email from Ariel. Once you place an order in the secure portal, Ariel will send your patient an email with a link to Ariel’s secure patient portal to complete registration, consent forms, and payment information. If you are not using pre-test genetic counseling services, you will need to attest to having provided appropriate pre-test genetic counseling and the necessity of the testing. If the test is an add-on test, a similar procedure will be followed with the exception of the welcome email and registration process.
For new patient orders, the turnaround time for the test is approximately 4 to 6 weeks from the time the patient sample is received in our laboratory.